Very popular in the seventies and eighties, hard wax lost some of its lustre in the nineties, mainly due to issues related to hygiene and application time. For example, filtering wax is no longer practised and hasn’t been for some years. Aesthetics Learning Institutes now overwhelmingly recommend the use of liquid wax. Hard wax, on the other hand, still yields excellent results for the bikini line and underarm areas. Thanks to its heat, it dilates ostia (opening of the hair follicle), which makes hair removal easier and provides a more comfortable feeling, when it is properly applied. But beware: if the wax is too hot when it is applied, it will promote the breakage of small capillaries. Always remember that, regardless of the method used (hard wax, liquid wax and even sugar), the important factor is to go over the treated region as little as possible. Therein lies the true secret of successful waxing.
Persons with a history of heart problems should not begin treatment in an extensive area. Facial treatments are strongly recommended at first, with special attention to skin reactions. Persons who have suffered a heart attack, suffering from angina, taking anticoagulants or other medication to treat a heart problem, should wait at least six months, ideally one year before undergoing treatment, and should ask for medical clearance. The presence of a pacemaker absolutely precludes any type of electroepilation treatment. A file detailing the health condition of each client should always be filled out before starting any treatment, and updated at the start of each session. This allows the electrologist to advise clients appropriately, and ensure results in the best possible time frame.
Toner is used to complete skin cleansing. It should be used in the evening after applying cleansing milk, to remove the light oily film left on the skin. Thus, skin-penetrating products are allowed to travel freely through natural channels (ostia, pores, etc.), which enhances the absorption of active ingredients present in serums and creams. In the morning, our skin will occasionally feel oily. However, to thoroughly cleanseonce more the skin is not appropriate. It would only increase sebaceous secretions, because the skin will react to a pH imbalance and treat it as an aggression, thus increasing its secretions with a view of defending itself. It is more appropriate to simply wet a cotton ball with some toner, and gently pat the entire face a few times. This will result an immediate clean, fresh feeling. Finally, here is a tip to make your toner last longer: slightly dampen the cotton ball with water before pouring toner on it. This way, the cotton ball will not absorb the toner!
Yes, except in the case of cochlear implants, to avoid deprogramming the latter. In the case of external hearing aids, you should ask the client to turn them off for the entire length of treatment. An operational hearing aid may create a frequency problem, since it may generate a whistling sound due to the proximity of the epilator. This is a perfectly normal, yet undesirable, consequence. Furthermore, in this situation, an electrologist should be even more attuned to the client’s behaviour and remember that the client cannot hear her or just barely when the hearing aid is off. This example emphasizes the importance of a good consultation before undertaking any type of treatment, since modern hearing aids are so small they are nearly impossible to detect.

The correct term is Blackheads, or «comedones», consist of secretions that build up on the skin and eventually become oxidized when exposed to air, which explains their black colour. To eliminate them, the best strategy remains prevention:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse your skin morning and evening with products recommended for your skin type, such as Limpiderm or Dermaliss from the Action de Gala product line. Unsuitable products may add to the problem; 

  2. Once or twice a week, use an exfoliant such as Libramat from the Action de Gala line to help remove impurities;

  3. An antioxidant emulsion such as Libramat from the Action de Gala line is also an essential ally, especially for smokers, people with oily skin or those exposed to the sun and pollution on a regular basis;

  4. Avoid any unnecessary contact with your face;

  5. Meet with your aesthetician for a skincare treatment at the beginning of each season. By doing so, the latter will also be able to advise you on the use of cosmetic products at home.

The main purpose of the day cream is to maintain the skin balance. Its sunscreens are designed to protect it on a superficial level, during brief exposure periods only. Furthermore, the day cream is generally applied early in the morning. However, even in the case of a regular sunscreen, it is recommended to repeat applications every two hours for adequate protection. Applied on a regular basis fifteen minutes before exposure, a sunscreen therefore becomes essential. Even on cloudy days, 80% of the sun’s rays reach our skin… and so it becomes important to protect our skin at all times. Furthermore, for greater effectiveness, it is essential to keep all solar products away from sources of heat or humidity, and to change them every year.
The “anaphoresis” mode may be used before any facial treatment to perform a deep-cleansing treatment: for example, after removing make-up and toning the skin, apply a negative-polarity ionizable deep-cleansing gel and adjust your unit between 0.2 and 0.5mA. Perform circular movements on the skin using a sponge electrode, for 3 to 5 minutes. The “cataphoresis” mode is generally used before a facial mask, to enhance the penetration of applied products. Choose a positive-polarity ionizable product suitable for the client’s skin type. Adjust your unit between 0.5 and 1mA, using the dual pronged or roller electrode, perform circular movements for 5 to 10 minutes. Make sure that deep-cleansing is always followed by a positive ionization in order to soothe the skin and restore its natural pH level.
The question is extremely relevant. Unfortunately, still today, some electrologists keep, either in their client files or in small labelled vials, probes used for each client, in order to re-use them for upcoming treatments. A single moment of distraction on the part of the electrologist can in these cases be dramatic: the client could potentially be treated with the probe of another client! For blood banks, the risk of contamination needs to be as low as possible. This is why donors must answer this question. It is up to you, as a client, to make sure that your electrologist uses single-use disposable probes such as Pro-Tec probes, marketed by the Dectro Group. This should help confirm in your mind the electrologist’s concern for hygiene and safety, but also her professionalism; since probes do not last forever, treatment quality may be affected after a few sessions.
Treatments should only be performed in periods of remission. Avoid all scrubs and exfoliators, massages, manipulations and steam applications. Use only products adapted to the skin type: remember that rosacea is not a skin type per se but rather a skin condition. The objective is to soften, soothe, decongest, moisturize and protect. The ideal treatment will begin with a very gentle cleanser such as Dermaliss milk of the Action de Gala line, followed by a toner, such as Toniqa of the Action de Gala line. As needed, you can apply a concentrate which will regulate sebaceous secretions. Apply very delicately and lightly dab on to help it penetrate if possible. Then apply a mask with soothing, balancing and decongestive properties such as Libraderm combined with Yi-zhibaume of the Action de Gala line. Finish off with the application of a light day cream that contains a sunscreen, such as Cutané of the Action de Gala line.
A pregnant woman should generally not undergo electrolysis treatments during the first three months of pregnancy. Why? In order to keep sources of stress to a minimum during this higher-risk period. After the first trimester, she can undergo hair removal treatments using high-frequency current only. No treatments using galvanic current or Blend currents are allowed, so you can also forget cataphoresis. Galvanic current is not recommended as it has the ability to travel through the human body and could therefore affect the foetus. Thus, as a professional, it is your duty to ask about your client’s health condition prior to each treatment. If you decide to treat a pregnant woman with high-frequency current, you could also ask for medical clearance, to make sure her pregnancy is going well and no complications are expected.
Exfoliation helps rid the skin of dead cells and enhance the penetration of products applied subsequently. Exfoliation may be performed on nearly all skin types. There are two types of exfoliant. Depending on how sensitive the skin is, you will use either a mechanical or a chemical exfoliant. On normal skin, a mechanical exfoliant such as Exoderm of the Action de Gala line may be applied without hesitation. However, if the skin is delicate, I recommend using a chemical enzyme-based exfoliant such as Enzyderm of the Action de Gala line, which requires minimal manipulation. Deep-cleansing is completely different from exfoliation. Deep-cleansing is performed to saponify sebum, rid the skin of impurities, facilitate comedo extraction and soften the horny plug. This type of care requires the use of a negative galvanic current and an ionizable deep-cleansing product such as Limpiderm of the Action de Gala line. It is specifically suited for lipidic, hyperlipidic or acne-prone skins.
Ideally, no. Day creams are generally formulated to protect the skin against weather related aggressions, to substantially replenish the skin’s water reserves and protect it from the relentless assault of UV rays and pollution. However, during the night, our physiological clock focuses our internal energy to revitalize the skin, restore tissue fibres and renew epidermal cells while the body is resting; sleep thus plays an important role in the body’s self-maintenance. Night creams do not have sunscreen and are designed to work in the deepest layers of the epidermis. Active ingredients such as vitamins A, E, C, alpha-hydroxy acid derivatives, amino acids, liposomes, proteins and certain enzymes help nourish our skin and reduce the visible signs of skin ageing. Recommended products: in the Action de Gala line, Cutané daily protective emulsion for the day and Vittosoin nourishing repair cream for the night.
We have long considered it best to abstain from performing microdermabrasion in summer, but in doing so, we have deprived our clientele of excellent results! Don’t forget that for you, this means one less service to offer during the season. Take California for example: they have been practicing microdermabrasion for many years, even at very warm temperatures, and with great success. Summers in Québec are very humid, which helps keep the skin surface soft and supple. Of course, clients who undergo microdermabrasion in summer must absolutely avoid sunbathing, use a good moisturizing cream and a total sunblock such as Ombracrème, of the Action de Gala line, at all times. Even in the winter, clients must take care of their skin and protect it from the cold, the wind, the sun, and especially avoid tanning salons. Either way, clients who seek treatment for pigment spots or wrinkles, or who simply wish to have radiant skin will be inclined to take proper care of their skin. Of course, your judicious advice and product prescriptions are also essential! Furthermore, once microdermabrasion has been performed, we suggest complementing the care with a VitaPhase IM or SM dermaphasic device (available on the VitaPeel Ion), in order to reduce redness, inflammation and oedema. It also has a stimulating effect and promotes cellular renewal. Many women are interested in receiving this type of treatment during the summer season; it’s up to you to offer it.
The Electrogist Association of Québec recommends an hourly rate of $50 minimum, although rates can be as high as US$75 in the United States, and up to €100 and more in Europe! Rates vary according to the area where the electrologist is located, supply and demand, rent, experience, and by the growing number of strict hygiene standards that must be met. Note the use of single-use probes, which must be discarded at the end of each session, the sterilization of tweezers for each client, and the disinfection of working areas, all of which result in higher costs for the professional. An electrologist may also decide to use an insulated probe, which concentrates energy at the tip, for greater comfort and effectiveness and to protect the skin surface. These probes are of course more expensive to purchase. Moreover, we should not forget all the towels, robes and slipcovers that must be changed and bleached… The type of device used by the technician is also another very important factor in setting the hourly rate. Logically, a more technologically advanced and effective device will command a higher fee. For example, a professional working with the new Apilus Platinum, which uses the ultrarapid 27 MHz frequency and offers superior effectiveness and comfort, should charge an hourly rate of CAD$65, US$100, or €125, depending on the location.
Pigment spots are the result of repeated and unprotected sun exposure, but they can also be caused by a genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy or contraceptive intake. The skin can also become pigmented due to inflammation after sustaining an injury, an irritating intervention or after prolonged exposure to UV rays. Avoid splashing on alcohol-based perfume before sun exposure. Opt for the Lightening Serum by Gala which helps prevent melanin oxidation at the skin surface and block free radicals. A course of 5 to 10 microdermabrasion treatments with the VitaPeel is also highly effective to minimize pigment spots. And of course, always use a total sunblock such as Ombracrème of the Action de Gala line, which can protect your skin against UV rays.
You know, the secret to success in sales is to take time to offer products to your clients; that’s what they’re waiting for. A client who comes into your institute is open to the idea of purchasing beauty products, please don’t let her leave empty-handed, otherwise she will go shop elsewhere, and indeed she should. What a client wants is to be counselled. Who is in the best position to do so? Yes, you are! Offer to refresh her make-up, recommend a new cream for the change in season, listen when your client admits to being tired and depressed… Maybe a new blush would help in this situation! Your role is not to judge your client’s spending style… What may appear expensive to your eyes may not necessarily be viewed the same way by others! But you must OFFER if you wish to sell. Try something new: from this day on, each client who comes into your institute should be offered a product or a treatment. Do you feel uncomfortable? Prepare a prescription card indicating which products she should use and ask her if she wishes to purchase any today. I am convinced that you’ll be surprised about how much your sales can increase. So, ladies, sell those creams!
Certain skins are genetically predisposed to acne, whereas for others, stress, environmental agents and hormonal changes are responsible for if. When the skin is not cleansed properly, sebum becomes oxidized, hardens and prevents the normal elimination of dead skin cells. This is why proper hygiene is so important. In a beauty institute, aestheticians can help these afflicted skins by using a non-foaming deep-cleansing gel and a soothing lotion. To exfoliate, I recommend using an enzyme-based exfoliant that biologically digests dead skin cells without irritating the skin. In cases of active acne, avoid extracting pustules and leave the skin alone. Treat inflammation with specialized topical solutions. It is also preferable to avoid facial massages; you can perform lymphatic drainage instead, which will eliminate toxins from the body. Then, choose a purifying and balancing mask and finish off with the appropriate protection cream.
Thirty thousand hours – that’s 1250 days or almost three and a half years – is the time that a man spends in his lifetime with a razor in his hand! These numbers can only spur him to make shaving a special pampering ritual. When’s the best time? Undoubtedly in the morning, right after showering. The skin is clean, lukewarm and soft, the hairs are less resistant. It is preferable to use a double-blade mechanical razor over an electric razor. Carefully disinfect the blades with a 70% alcoholic solution. Apply a gel or a foam. Better still, choose the Supreme Shave shaving cream from Germaine de Capuccini. Its texture protects the skin and traps the hairs providing a superior and painless shaving experience. Start with the cheeks and the neck and continue around the lips and the chin where hairs are coarser. Never shave against the grain of hair growth! It is indeed essential to follow the direction of hair growth; you can always shave stubborn hairs in a zigzag pattern afterwards. Rinse with lukewarm water, pat dry with a clean towel and apply a cool and restoring lotion as Toniqa or a soothing and moisturizing balm such as Hydraplus from Action de Gala or the Post Shave Comfort from Germaine de Capuccini. A fluid texture with an immediate moisturizing effect to your skin’s delight! And presto, the day can finally begin with a face looking revitalized and relaxed, ready to tackle a hard day’s work and especially, to bask in the affectionate embrace of your sweetheart.
The double pulse technique is performed when the follicle is sufficiently deep. If your hair is in the anagen phase or in the catagen phase, which is the hair’s transition phase, your follicle is deeply implanted. The technician can then choose to send two pulses in order to eliminate everything that causes the hair to regrow. The existence of the bulge was discovered in fact a few years back. The bulge contains genetic information for hair regrowth. Ideally, hair phase permitting, it is best to send a pulse to the bulge and another one to the dermal papilla. This way, the results are more satisfactory. However, when using this technique, the electrologist must reduce the current passage time and use only insulated probes. When the hair is in the telogen phase, which is the rest phase, it is located closer to the surface of the skin. It is therefore more appropriate to do just one pulse in order to counteract any skin reaction.
Despite its effectiveness, cataphoresis is often neglected or forgotten. Nevertheless, this post-epilation treatment is what could make the difference between you and the competition. Cataphoresis offers many benefits. It can reduce the warm sensation, redness and oedema (small bumps on each ostium) which can be caused by electroepilation. Also, the electrical current stimulates the sebaceous gland which will secrete basic sebum. The hair follicle then becomes a potential area for bacteria proliferation. The best reason to use cataphoresis after electroepilation is mostly to produce vasoconstriction of the follicular ostia and restore the pH balance of the skin, in order to prevent any infection. Cataphoresis is an integrated option on all our Apilus electrolysis devices. It is done by applying an ionizable product on the skin in the positive pole and gauze moistened with water or a soothing lotion. By using ionizable products, you maximize the effect of cataphoresis and the active ingredients of the product will penetrate deep into the skin of your client for their utmost benefit. When doing cataphoresis, do not forget to put the passive electrode (ground) as close as possible to the treated area in order to prevent galvanic current flow across the thoracic cage. The intensity of the galvanic current must always be adjusted according to the client’s tolerance. As for the active electrode to be used, it can differ from one area to the other. However, it is important to move the electrode very slowly across the area, in a continuous motion. There is no point in doing this treatment rapidly; it will be completely inefficient. As it is a galvanic current, cataphoresis has, of course, contraindications. If there is a certain risk, why not use the Gala Eternity HF high frequency device? It is your best replacement solution, since the Gala Eternity HF presents almost no contraindications. This way, you will always have an alternative in order to satisfy your clientele.
Since it has few sebaceous glands, the skin around the eyes has a tendency to sag and become dehydrated more quickly. Because it is extremely delicate, it quickly shows signs of aging as well as fatigue marks. Result: the look is dimmed and tired, there are rings around the eyes and the skin is wrinkled. With time, sags appear under the eyes, rings form and wrinkles develop in the corner of the eyes. The delicate skin around the eye contour requires the use of a cream composed of finer molecules than the cream used on the face. Also, to avoid any burning sensation, the pH of this cream must match that of the skin. Four unavoidable rules to obtain an impeccable eye contour: Remove all makeup every evening before going to bed.In the morning and evening, apply a mild astringent lotion with a cotton pad.In the morning and evening, apply an appropriate anti-wrinkle eye contour cream.Once or twice a week, use a specific treatment.In summary, the eye contour is one of the most fragile and sensitive areas of the face and therefore requires the most attention and care. Isn’t it said that the eyes are a reflection of the soul?
Yes, it is no problem to plan a few electrolysis sessions during the summer season if certain basic rules are followed. Just remember not to expose the treated skin area to the sun for a minimum of 24 hours before and 48 hours after the treatment. Furthermore, it is essential to apply a sun screen, such as Ombracrème from Action de Gala, immediately after the session and until the skin is completely healed. In addition to soothing the inflammation and concealing redness, this tinted zinc-based cream protects against UVA and UVB radiation and, therefore, prevents the emergence of pigmented spots. OmbraCrème provides a protection equivalent to a factor of SPF 30. Like any sun screen of this category, it is necessary to reapply a generous layer every 2-3 hours. The advantage of Ombracrème is that it contains a minimum of chemical filters, thus providing the skin with a superior natural protective layer. Ombracrème also includes emu oil, vitamin E and allantoin, thereby improving skin moisture and regeneration. In short, electrolysis is not hazardous during the summer: you just need to avoid the sun for a few days and apply conscientiously your OmbraCrème sunblock. After a few days, you can enjoy the sun and the heat and show off the results of your electrolysis sessions: have a great summer!
The skin under the eyes is extremely thin and more delicate. This region has less lymphatic and blood vessels, making it more vulnerable to dehydration. Many of the changes in this area can be attributed to genetics, aging, depression, fatigue, stress, exposure to pollution, bad blood circulation, constipation or medicines. Drinking a lot of water, uninterrupted sleep, no tobacco or alcohol intake can help diminish the appearance of these dark circles. A premium quality eye cream such as Dualift from Action de Gala is a vital part of any skin care regimen. Its advanced formulation of arnica montana flower extract, vitamin E, soy protein and green tea, stimulates blood circulation, moisturizes, reduces periorbital puffiness and fights free radicals. It can be used on all skin types every morning and/or evening. For faster results, a cooling eye mask previously chilled in the refrigerator can be placed over closed eyelids for several minutes. Lymphatic drainage either it be manual or mechanical with Vitalift or Vitaderm apparatus is also recommended. This drainage method improves blood and lymph circulation, eliminates toxins, improves skin texture, activates cellular regeneration and oxygenation of the cells and skin tissues. It enhances the effectiveness of facial treatments and is an excellent flash beauty treatment. As always, make sure the client’s condition does not present local or general contraindications to this type of treatment and the type of current to be used.
The only technology in the esthetics field that can effectively affect cellulite is the 3-MHz ultrasounds treatment offered by the Vital•Ultra body system. This frequency creates vibrations inside the skin (up to 2.5cm deep) that can reach the hypodermis. The waves produced by this treatment turn into heat when they encounter tissue. The vibrations and heat break down the membrane surrounding fat cells and the cells get compressed, expelling the captive toxins and fluids. These two elements are then absorbed by the lymphatic system which is also stimulated by heat. Only this technology can melt the hardened connective tissue that binds the fat cells and creates the orange-peel effect. After a 3-MHz ultrasounds treatment, the appearance of cellulite is visibly reduced and the silhouette is slimmed down.